Sunday, May 15, 2011

Selina says:

Hey folks!
Sorry for the long silence. While Alice is busy running around India, I've finally reached Lisbon! And it has been OVERWHELMING! Adjusting to a new city, new rules and culture, making new friends and just trying not to get lost can do that to you. My Portuguese extends as far as "obrigada" that I've been using quite liberally. However, I have also realized that English gets me around just as well as Portuguese as majority of Portuguese are bilingual.
I've been talking to people and taking in new ideas and possibilities for project dumplings; from creating an NGO to occupying one of many abandoned buildings surrounding Lisbon. Coming here, I knew that whatever I had envisioned for 8Folds back in Australia would change once I got here. The changes in thought has been great and we will work with what we've got. So armed with new information, I'll be waiting for Alice (who isn't too far away) to proceed any further.
On another note, Alice has finally uploaded a handful of pictures from the Dirty Dumpling Jam and I've been given the task of putting the photo montage together. It looks good and I wished I was there!

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on starting the Lisboa experience,Selina. I'm so excited for you. I wish I had been at the Dirty Dumpling jam. Best of luck with it all. Keep us posted!!
